debbie in wonderland

Sunday, January 08, 2006

How OC am I?

Anyone who sees this blog (so far no one has but me) may notice that my artwork tends to be very rigid/controlled. I have definite obsessive/compulsive tendencies which run on both sides of my family (although my father grew up in Germany where it is considered normal). I have a lot of trouble loosening up. I'm not sure if this is something I should just accept or whether I should try to change it.

I just fused a dozen fat quarters of hand-dyed fabric to Wonder Under so that I can try the "Chicago School of Fusing" techniques that I found on a blog by Melody Johnson (Fibermania). I'm not sure what I'll be doing with it, but I'll try to be as loose as I can. Maybe a design for a new chupah (wedding canopy).


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